Attendance Policy

No Shows

A ‘No Show’ is when a trainee does not cancel or contact the Instructor Training Team before an event, and does not attend training. In a ‘No Show’ event, the training seat will be considered used.

If extenuating circumstances have prevented a trainee from cancelling, contacting, or attending an event, they may request permission to register for an additional event using the same registration code by emailing IMPORTANT: **Requests to re-register must be received within 7 days after the end date of the training. **

Trainees with multiple unexplained no-shows may be barred from future registration.

Partial Absence

Trainees who miss up to 4 hours (1 half day) of an event can schedule a 45-minute 1:1 makeup meeting to complete their training with The Carpentries Director of Workshops and Training. Makeup meetings can be scheduled via Calendly.. To prepare for a makeup meeting, trainees should review all sections of the Instructor Training Curriculum they missed and come prepared to share thoughts and questions about those sections. Trainees who missed more than 4 hours of an event should not schedule a makeup meeting. (See Re-taking a Training Event, below.)

Trainees are not eligible for Instructor certification until their record indicates they have completed an entire Instructor Training event.

Re-taking a Training Event

Trainees who miss more than 4 hours (1 half day) of an event are not eligible for a makeup meeting but can ask to attend another event in full. To request permission to register for an additional training event, trainees should email within 30 days of a missed event.

When re-taking a training, trainees who miss more than 2 hours may be marked absent, even when they have attended part of a prior event. Multiple partial trainings may not be used to complete the training requirement.

Ineligibility for Makeup Opportunities

Trainees who miss an event in full without cancelling within 7 days (no-show) or who miss part of an event but do not request a makeup opportunity within 7 days are ineligible to register for a new training event using the same registration code. Trainees interested in completing training may contact to be advised on their options for re-admission.

Checkout Extensions Policy

Trainees are asked to complete checkout within 90 days of attending an Instructor Training event. Having a deadline is necessary to support busy people in prioritising a goal we all care about. However, it is sometimes necessary for trainees to postpone completing checkout.

Trainees who are unable to complete checkout within the 90-day deadline should contact us at to request an extension. Extensions may be granted up to one year after the checkout deadline. After one year, you may contact to explore opportunities to re-take the training.